
Hi. I’m Will. This is my testimony about the reasons about why I want to get confirmed and my journey with God.

My first and second reasons are quite the same.
The first is that I will feel feel more accepted into the family of God. My second is that when I am confirmed I will be more of a part of St. Bart’s Church. It also means that I will be able to try the bread and the wine which I have wanted to do, ever since I started singing in the choir.
I joined the choir and started going to church around 4 years ago. I can still remember when the Music Director, came into the morning assembly telling us about the choir and how they get paid for weddings! Then people started giving out leaflets and I got sent to the back for pushing into the queue to stand by my mates.

I read the leaflet with my mom and dad and decided to go that Friday. I was really nervous and didn’t want to go but my mom said I HAD to as they were expecting me. So I went along and... I really enjoyed it.

So I have been with the choir ever since.

Since joining the choir and going to Church, I have had a big journey with God. Going to Church has also changed my life a lot. If I hadn’t started going to church I don't think I would have got into St. Peters School. I would never have done the Alpha Course with my friends and wouldn’t be here now.

Being Part of the Choir, the Church and God's kingdom is Great!

Click here for info on the Choir

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