The following notes are
designed to help you prepare for what is going to be one of the most important
days of your life.
The staff at St. Bart’s are always ready to help you, so if
there are any questions that need immediate answers -
Contact Sue, our secretary, on 01902 576809.
Our parish office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm.
Feel free to Phone or drop in for a chat during those hours, and Sue will have the answers for you. If you need a quick chat or have any concerns or questions, you can get some instant answers to point you in the right direction, if you facebook message us HERE.
Banns of Marriage need to be called at the (services) of both bride and groom. We shall inform you in writing when your Banns are to be published in St. Bart’s. We would prefer you to be in Church for the whole service on the of publication at 10.00am. However, it is to obtain a Certificate of Banns from the other church(es) and hand it to us before the wedding day. That will mean a visit to another vicar at least three months before your wedding.
In order to discuss your wedding we would like you to come to:
i) Marriage Preparation at St. Bart’s by invitation.
ii) A brief rehearsal in Church a few days before the ceremony.
We ask each bridal couple to follow a set procedure. There is also a sheet of notes made available to you.
If there are other weddings on your wedding day we will put you in touch so that you can share the cost of decorating the Church. Miss Howard’s team can take responsibility for arranging the flowers in the Church if you choose. She can advise about colours and flower varieties and explain the procedure about purchase and delivery of the flowers of your choice.
Photographs are an important part of any wedding day! However, we do not wish the photography to be too intrusive to the Marriage Ceremony. The Vicar will advise you about the photographs allowed in Church and we request that your photographer reads and signs our Photographers’ Policy.
You need to obtain permission for a video to be taken, and the operator must be sited in the Balcony. A video fee is necessary to comply with the Copyright Act 1987 (see below).
: Choristers are often available to sing at your wedding, depending on their own family timetable. Difficulty might be experienced in the summer holiday period, but the Vicar can advise nearer the time.
You may want to have a specially printed Service Sheet for your wedding, but never give a copy to a printer without previously consulting the Vicar. You may, of course, prefer to use Church Hymn Books at no additional cost.
: The Fees are made up partly by what Parliament decides and partly by the Church.
You are asked to pay partly in cash, so that the Vicar can pay the Choristers, the Bell Ringers etc., on the wedding day.
Please bring your payment to the Parish Office - fees should be paid well in advance and no later than the rehearsal.
FEES- GUIDANCE ONLY (To give a rough idea of Costs)
Wedding without music- | £555 |
Wedding with organ only- | £755 |
Wedding with organ and choir only- | £905 |
Wedding with organ and bells only- | £925 |
Wedding with organ, choir and bells- | £1075 |
In addition video fee; (fee only applicable if using professional videographer) | £130 |